Attention Irish Solar Installers!
This System Has Generated 300,000
Prospects For Irish Companies

Dear Friend.
The Solar Marketing Automation system I outline on this page has helped hundreds of Irish companies to grow their businesses, and I believe it can help you to.
But I’m not suggesting that everyone or anyone is going to make a lot of money. Everything depends on you; how you use this system, your willingness to call back new prospects fast, your ability to build rapport with them, and of course your selling skills.
With that said, let me jump right in and show you exactly….
What You're Getting
Firstly, Solar Marketing Automation isn’t like any other solar client acquisition system you’ve ever tried before.
It’s so effective that we guarantee you’ll get results.
And it provides you with a powerful new way of potentially doubling (or even tripling) your business, without getting overwhelmed or burnt out.
We setup the entire system for you, so you don’t need to waste time learning something new, or complicated.

It’s About MORE Than Just Getting New Clients

For example, several of our clients started out as sole traders, and thanks to Solar Marketing Automation they now employ 15-20 staff, even after the Covid-19 lockdowns!
And they are converting more solar prospects into new clients by phone than they ever did before when they were out on the road meeting people in person.
No more travelling all around the country making the old type of sales calls, returning home late each night totally burnt out.
Like I said, there’s more to this system than just getting clients!
Here’s just a fraction of what you’re getting access to…
Totally Automated Solar Client Acquisition System – that’s been proved to work.
High Converting Web Pages and Advertising Campaigns – that have already produced more than 300,000 new prospects.
Qualified New Prospects of the Types You Choose – who are ready and expecting your call.
Bogus Prospects Replaced – whenever you receive a bogus or uncontactable prospect, they are replaced at no cost.
Powerful CRM System – so you can see prospect’s details, set reminders, follow ups, and communicate with them by email.
Instant Email Alerts – always know the moment you receive a new prospect, and see all their details.
No Setup Fees, Contracts, or Commitments – go live or pause Solar Marketing Automation whenever you need.
You’re right…that’s a lot of ways to get qualified new clients, keep in contact with them, and grow your business faster. And no one else can share this with you, because no one else has a system like this.
But it gets better because you’re also getting…
High Converting Websites & Advertising Campaigns

You also get to use the same advertising campaigns that have already created over 300,000 prospects and over €100 million* in sales.
We’ve spent millions of euros on these campaigns, and they’ve allowed us to completely dominate the online advertising market in Ireland since 2008.
This means you can be certain that they will work for you too.
With Solar Marketing Automation you’ll use web pages that are guaranteed to generate new solar prospects for you automatically – without you even having to lift a finger.
We’ve spent over a decade creating, testing, tweaking and improving these pages to ensure the highest conversion rates.
And you get to use these very same web pages too!

But that’s not all, because you also get to…
Set It The Way You Want!
With Solar Marketing Automation your campaigns can get as much or as little exposure as you want.
Get prospects only from the counties you desire, the types of installations you want, and the number per day that you need.
No other company in Ireland can get you as much exposure, and the same results as you can with this system.
Yes, that’s a bold statement to make, but it’s one that’s based on more than a decade of outstanding results.
But there’s more, because you’re also getting…
Instant Email Delivery
Solar Marketing Automation automatically alerts you whenever you receive a new prospect.
The moment someone requests a quote, and are located in the counties you select – you’ll automatically be sent an email with their full contact details.
This means they are expecting your call and you can often speak with them while they’re still on the web page!

But, the best part of this system is that it’s…
Designed for people who want a steady stream of qualified new solar prospects, without lifting a finger.

Your time is valuable, and it’s easy to waste it trying to find new prospects, especially when you could be using that same time speaking with people who already want a solar installation.
So, wouldn’t it make more sense to delegate this laborious task to Solar Marketing Automation that’s already created over 300,000 prospects in the past 12 years?
And has also been responsible for generating more than €100 million* in sales for Irish companies, and has helped hundreds of businesses grow faster – many doubling, or even tripling their business in a single year?
When you use Solar Marketing Automation…
Two Things Will Happen.
First, you’ll have a steady stream of qualified solar prospects, who need your help, and are expecting your call.
This is really important to you because instead of wasting time trying to find your own prospects, you can start using that time to sell more solar installations.
The next thing you’ll notice is this:
When you spend most of your time growing your client portfolio, you’ll be able to start increasing wealth for yourself and your family.
And you’ll do it without wasting years trying to find a system that actually works, that’s because Solar Marketing Automation is the future of solar marketing.

For a Limited Time Only
You are on this page because you saw one of our ads, which means we are offering Solar Marketing Automation to just a few more solar installers in your area.
However, that ad and this offer will disappear soon, because it’s strictly first-come-first-served.
Once it’s gone it’s gone, at least for a few months – possibly even a year.
So, to avoid disappointment or regret, and to get full access to Solar Marketing Automation, click the button below and get started right away.
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter, and I very much look forward to helping you to double your clients in the next 12 months!

Leads Factory – creators of Solar Marketing Automation
P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:
I’m offering you access to a system that generates new solar prospects on demand – of the types that you want, in the regions that you need, and on the days that you choose.
Solar Marketing Automation is a system that’s been proved to work, because it’s already created 300,000 prospects, and more than €100 million* in sales for Irish companies.
I’m also giving you access to high converting web pages that we’ve created, tested, tweaked and improved so they work better than industry norms. As well as advertising campaigns that we’ve spent millions of euros on, and that have allowed us to completely dominate the online advertising market in Ireland since 2008.
Solar Marketing Automation is the future of solar marketing, but it’s only available to a few more solar companies in your area. And once we have them, it’s doors closed again, at least for a few months – possibly even a year.
And we guarantee you will get results, because you only pay for those results.
Click here and get started right now. You won’t regret it.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can’t I just use my own website? You could indeed hire a web designer to create a nice looking website, but web designers are not marketers and most likely you will end up with a site that doesn’t convert visitors into prospects effectively, or get you enough prospects, or even the right prospects.
This means you could waste time and money on something that doesn’t work, or not in the way you had hoped. Most companies have experienced exactly this type of disappointment.
Surely I can create my own ads? Yes, it’s possible to learn how to create your own ads, but this could take up a lot of time and energy and require a massive amount of testing. And most people who do this end up losing a lot of money, because solar is such a competitive industry to advertise in, and you would be up against all the companies who spend thousands each day.
What about hiring an online advertising agency? Well we’ve used several ad agencies ourselves in the past and it never worked out well, and that’s why we stopped using them many years ago. Unfortunately hiring an online advertising agency to setup and run advertising campaigns for you probably won’t give you the results that you want.
Many of our clients have made both these mistakes, before coming to us. By running their own ad campaigns or hiring an agency to do it for them, they found that the results were not great. This is because most agencies don’t have much (if any) experience in solar advertising, and unless you have a lot of experience in solar advertising you can easily lose your shirt! As mentioned above, solar is one of the most competitive industries in the world, and that’s why many agencies are reluctant to even try.
What normally happens when running your own ads, or when you work with an agency is that you start getting a few prospects each week at a reasonable cost. However, once you need to increase the number of prospects, the costs go up dramatically. This is because to get more exposure in the online ad auctions you need to bid a far higher cost per click, and you are immediately up against the biggest advertisers (such as ourselves!), and it really is a dog eat dog industry.
What happens if all my prospects are junk? From time to time you may get a few bogus, or uncontactable prospects. However, as explained above we offer a 100% refund guarantee so this protects you from such scenarios.
Having said that, some years ago a few unethical clients did try to take advantage of our sincerity, by sending back all their prospects for refund. Even though we later discovered several of those same prospects had actually become their clients! For that very reason, we now have a fair usage policy, which means we keep a very close eye on refund rates for all our clients. Anybody abusing the system, won’t be allowed to continue! We are only prepared to work with clients who like an honest win-win relationship.
OK, I get it….generating my own prospects or hiring an agency may not be the best option, but are there any other reasons why I should get Solar Marketing Automation?
Solar Marketing Automation gives you access to a proven way to generate new solar prospects, of the types you want, on the days of the week that you desire, and in the numbers that you need.
It is a full done-for-you solar marketing service where you only pay for the actual results that you get. And those results come with a full 100% money back guarantee.
Our company has been one of the biggest online advertisers for over a decade. And it has resulted in sales of more than €100 million*, simply because our system works, and also because the majority of our clients are delighted with our service, and stay with us long-term.
Click Here to Get Started Today – or wait up to a year for the next opening
* How we estimated the €100 million in sales figure given above: We have generated over 300,000 new prospects primarily for insurance businesses (the most competitive industry in the world) since 2008. After deducting uncontactable/bogus referrals, and assuming a conservative close rate of 25%, and a very conservative average premium of €750, and also that each client stays an average of 2.5 years (industry average is actually 5 years) then the €100 million figure above is calculated as follows:
- We have generated 300,000 referrals – 20% bogus referrals = 240,000 Contactable Prospects.
- Most insurance companies convert prospects into clients at a rate of more than 25%, so 240,000 x 25% = 60,000 paying clients.
- Assuming an average premium of €750 (many are far above this figure).
- And assuming each client stays for an average of 2.5 years (the industry average is actually 5 years).
Then the premium figure is €112,500,000 (€112.5 million).
However, if clients stay the full industry average of 5 years the estimated premium figure is actually €225 million. In the interests of being completely truthful and fully transparent (and also very conservative), we decided to use the far lower estimated figure above of only €100 million.